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Open • Transparent • Inclusive

  • A place for everyone in a prosperous Huerfano County.

  • Truth in all matters.

  • Integrity in all decisions.

  • Openness to all ideas.

  • Acceptance of all people.

Lyons for Commissioner Platform

Healthcare Access and Community Well-being

• Healthcare Access: Advocate for improved access focusing on affordability and availability.

• Well-being: Strengthen community through collaborative health initiatives.i.e. diabetes education through a state program 

• Community Health Clinics: Support and expand community health clinics to enhance access to healthcare services, especially for underserved populations.

• Telehealth Services: Advocate for the expansion of telehealth services to improve healthcare accessibility, particularly in remote areas.

• Health Education Programs: Promote health education programs to empower residents with information for preventive care and healthier lifestyles.


Affordable Housing

• Addressing the lack of affordable housing through

• Strategic planning and engagement with all community groups working on housing solutions

Explore Eco-friendly Building Solutions

• Community Planning: Work on community planning strategies to ensure housing developments align with the needs and character of the community such as the innovative Housing opportunity plan project IHOP  

• Gardner Main Street Board 


• Enhance educational opportunities for all residents, emphasizing lifelong learning.

• Collaborate with local schools and organizations to support diverse educational programs.

• promote available education to our residents  through  community college programs

Water Conservation and Management

• Collaborate with local stakeholders to manage water resources responsibly and sustainably.

• Advocate for regional cooperation to enhance resilience and adaptation strategies.

• Educate residents about water conservation practices and the importance of responsible water use.

• Coordinate with the representatives from the County to the Arkansas Basin Roundtable to facilitate funding of water projects that benefit our citizens.

• Actively oppose actions that inhibit water use within the County


Prevention of Water Export

• Vigilantly monitor and oppose any attempts to divert water resources out of Huerfano County.

• Advocate for policies that prioritize the needs of local residents in water allocation decisions.

• Make land use decisions in a way that conserves and protects the County's water resources

Public Safety

• Strategize how to best use the limited resources available to law enforcement to ensure a safer Huerfano county

• Consider community-based initiatives for a safer Huerfano County and how to mesh them with law enforcement needs and regulations ie traffic issues handled by auxiliary staff, and mental health support on calls.


Ranching and Agricultural Support

• Consult with farmers and ranchers to aid them to maintain their way of life 

• Promote agricultural initiatives that align with water conservation efforts.


Sustainable Economic Development 

• Promote citizens involvement in organizations in our community that are developing strategies to encourage  sustainable economic growth that benefits all residents 

• Support community organizations that are working to develop strategies to attract businesses that align with the community's values and needs.

• Encourage the creation of plans for cooperative business 

• How to provide childcare in our community to promote women being successful in the business arena is a question that must be explored. Strategies that can be realistically implemented financially will be supported 

Community Engagement and Inclusivity

• Community volunteer boards and committees 

• Foster a culture of open communication and transparency in local government

• Have meetings available virtually

• Continue to have a public comment period at BOCC-scheduled meetings 

• Create virtual office hours 

• Strategize how to encourage engagement in our community to participate in community volunteer boards and committees

Youth and Senior Services

• Collaborate with local organizations to address the unique needs of these demographics.


Arts and Culture

• Promote preservation and expansion of our county's cultural heritage and artistic expression.


Infrastructure and Connectivity

• Collaborate on plans for improved infrastructure even with our limited budget

• Roads 

• Internet connectivity 

• Collaborate with existing county groups on increasing connectivity   

• Ensure that the county's development is sustainable and meets the needs of its residents.


Ecological Balance 

• To restore and maintain the ecological balance shall be considered in all land use issues.

• Address undesirable vegetative growth and habitat issues

• Collaborate with all people involved with noxious weed issues and soil conservation to support their goal that  all agriculture and ranch land is managed to optimize soil health     

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